Reducing fruit waste with ML 🍎

Reducing fruit waste with ML 🍎

Reducing fruit waste with ML 🍎




Agrifood tech startup

Reducing fruit waste using microwave sensing

About project

Fruit Grading with Microwave Sensing

Fresco is a novel sensing technique, utilizes low energy microwave measurements to non-destructively assess the internal quality of fresh fruits.

By peering deep into the fruit, Fresco provides comprehensive quality analysis in a single measurement, offering valuable insights without compromising the integrity of the produce.


Measuring fruit ripeness usually require a destructive measurement where you sample selected fruits and test them manually. However, this is time and labour consuming, destructs the fruit and does not tell you on the quality and ripeness of the untested batches.


Using fresco measurements for several fruits from various sorting lines, I've used various signals such as amount of dry matter, firmness, acidity and others to train a machine learning model to predict the brix (sugar content) of the fruit - correlating with its ripeness.

The model was showing good results and is now under trial testing for production deployment.

In conclusion

From farm and greenhouse, to logistics and distribution, down to retail, fresco provides the perfect tool for advanced decision making, time-of-harvest prediction, ripening handling, quality assessment, shelf rotation and more.

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All rights reserved. © 2024 by Dean Shabi

All rights reserved. © 2024 by Dean Shabi

All rights reserved. © 2024 by Dean Shabi